Saturday, December 1, 2012

FOI Oracle of the Month - December 2012

Oracle: The Goddess Maya
Booklet: Fortuna, Creation through the Goddess
By: Olivia Robertson

Divine Goddess Maya, who shines through the stars with the copper-coloured radiance of love, bring us into your rainbow network that unites all hearts.

I am the Cosmic Mother and from my Matrix emerge all beings. My encircling strands of hair form the galaxies and My eyes are twin stars. My limbs form the constellations and and My dark womb receives the stars when they come to their final rest, to be reborn in another sphere.

Yet My fingers draw the delicate spider's web and My eyes look at you with the sad gaze of the timid fawn. I see you with the eyes of friend and enemy, of those who threaten you and those who protect you. It is My singing you hear when your heart responds to music and My face gazes upon the world through paintings and woven cloth. When you love anyone or anything you love Me.

Yet I am also the distorted mirror image in the sphere in which you are entrapped; the five-barred prison of the senses. Your questing minds cannot know more than your prison permits, for you are lost Gods and Goddesses entrapped by the grid of the stars. You seek for release and this very wish brings it about! The moment you acknowledge the Greater, the Greater make way for you. You create the prison; you determine your own release.

We, your Fathers and Mothers, your Sisters and Brothers, may not respond to your anguished prayers, when you make no effort to help yourselves! You with your longing and hard work create the pyramid of earth that reaches to the stars. In response, we extend our luminous Cone of Light downwards, until its point reaches your hearts.

The End Times have come which are the beginning of a new Creation. Recognize yourselves as immortal and lo! You are so! You never awaken into eternal reality in the past or the future; only in the ever-living Now. We are here. We are coming. Approach and meet Us. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Update to the FOI Code of Ethics

Message Received From
The Rt. Rev. Hon. Olivia Robertson, Co-Founder of the Fellowship of Isis
And the Rev. Cressida Pryor, Olivia’s Successor
November 29, 2012

All operations within the Fellowship of Isis are based on the principles of the Manifesto, which promote truth, beauty, healing, compassion, kindness and reverence for all life. All members act in accordance with the ideals of the Goddess Isis as the Compassionate, Loving Mother of All Beings. No act of submission, domination, exploitation, physical trial or ordeal, including physical or mental wounding or 'sacred sex working' and prostitution will be tolerated within the practice of the FOI. Activities which are not in alignment with the principles of the FOI Manifesto are grounds to revoke FOI Priestess/Priesthood and/or FOI Membership.

Speaking both as the co-founder of this Iseum and as a person with first-hand experience of abusive behavior in a previous spiritual context, I cannot stress enough how important the above statement is, and how timely. While such abuse is hardly a new thing, the internet has made it possible for the wider dissemination of information, and thus localized scandals spread far beyond the bounds of their influence; and so we hear of more and more of these cases than ever before. It's disgusting and disheartening, knowing that there are so very many people who exploit the sincere and the trusting and the inexperienced and the vulnerable, but that knowledge provides us with the tools we need to combat it, to be vigilant and root out not only those who are inclined to abuse but also the underlying structures that lay a framework for the abuse to be not only possible but tolerated or even accepted as somehow necessary or required.

What people choose to do in their own time is their own business, of course, and I do not read the above statement as condemning or forbidding people to engage privately in what might be seen in a different context as questionable or dangerous behavior; but it does forbid those activities in an FOI context. I would suggest that, if a person feels that any of the things listed above is vital to their spiritual expression, they seek out a path in which those elements are already present, and distance themselves from the FOI. We all agreed to the principles set forth in the Manifesto when we joined the FOI, and if upholding those principles is no longer possible, then the honorable thing to do is to step away from associating with the FOI.

(Again, I speak from experience. In the interest of disclosure I will admit that I was a part of a spiritual tradition which contained elements that I found to be exploitative, intrusive and dangerous. When I tried to modify those elements for my group's practice, I was told said elements were vital to the tradition's practice and that in removing or modifying them I could no longer claim to be practicing the same tradition. I disagreed, but eventually capitulated, coming both to the understanding I expressed above and also to the long-overdue realization that I did not want in any way to be associated with a tradition with such a questionable reputation!)

You may read further recent ethical statements from Olivia and Cressida by clicking here. Rest assured that the Iseum of the Mystic Isis is in complete agreement with these principles and will uphold them in both its online and real-time activities.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

FOI Oracle of the Month - November 2012

November 2012
Oracle: The Goddess Tara
Booklet: "Melusina, Life Centres of the Goddess"
By: Olivia Robertson


I invoke thee, the goddess Tara! Thou art the Pristine Spirit, the Ultimate Nature and the clear Light of Heaven. Thou art the One Who encloses the Universe. Help us to rise above the sorrows and follies of this material world!
Have Peace. Peace is now, in your heart, if you will accept it. You will not attain Spiritual Light by refusing to face the darkness. The darkness not only contains your past but also, through transmutation, your future. Have courage. I have gone before you as a mortal woman and shall come again. I breathe my life into all beings and I suffer with them and share their ignorance and follies!
The greatest evil you fear is death. There is no death. While you are identified with a body of clay you find it difficult to enjoy the bliss of the heavens. You are beset by grief, hatred, violence and cruelty. But you also acquire merit through overcoming these obstacles to Illumination. There are souls who never incarnate upon the earth. And these shine like the stars with pure light. But those such as yourselves who struggle bravely every day with its worries and sorrows gallantly walk backwards into the future! You do not know even what your next day will bring.
The peace I bring is faith in the Divine Love, Buddhi. Take my lotus of ever-renewing life and so accept the future, whatever this may bring you. Know that the delusions of this earth become the material for creation in the Heavens. My magic is renewal. I do not ask you to reject evil, but to transmute it through understanding into good. I am Tara of the Many Selves: of the Heavens, of the dreaming moon, of the harsh earth. I enclose all these Selves in my rainbow Halo that encompasses all beings in my eternal Love, Beauty and Truth.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


As our Samhain observance was rather low-key and personal, I'm sharing here Lady Olivia's seasonal oracle instead:


I invoke the Great Queen of Eire, The Morrigan, Who with Her Divine Consort the Dagda Mor presides over Time.

Oracle of the Morrigan

You who call upon me are for the most part prisoners in passing time. I watch you with the love of a mother as you start your lives with the sacred Light shining within you. This may be seen by visionaries as a flame over a child's head.  A baby is still in touch with the Eternal Land from which all come. Time is a beautiful pattern of rivers reaching the boundless ocean of space with its myriads of stars. But as a child grows older, those around it try to bring it to their own limited way of being, which is a time line between life and death. So the child, in order to conform and please others, loses essential being, a link with the world beyond.

Radiation from brighter realms can bring fear and hostility from those who have lost this golden key. This was the way of Neanderthal man and many other primitive races. They still exist and have their honored place as do all, as children of the Mothers, species who have the courage to have physical experiences.

For Homo Sapiens, the time is now when a new race is coming into being. This new humanity will be more heart centered and have spiritual vision. It is for women to calm men's fear, for women usually long for this coming. No people can endure alien or foreign occupation, however well-meaning! But children are accepted. No man can resist the smile of his own baby!

Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:

Seasonal Festival: Samhain
Magical Direction: Northwest to Center
Ray Number: 7
Planet: Neptune and the Moon
Color: Violet
Element: Night
Attribute: Mystical Awakening/Devotion
Connection to the Spiritual Self, Awakening of Higher Levels of Psychic Perception.

Monday, October 1, 2012

FOI Oracle of the Month - October 2012

Divine Kundalini, the World's Mother, Hidden Fire, Mystic Life Force, Devi, Shakti, arise within us and bring us eternal life! For without Thee we are as lifeless shadows astray in this land of delusions, entangled in dead thoughts, stale emotions, sucked of energies by debilitating forces which we cannot control. Aid us, helpless wanderers lost in this dream of existence, fearing that when the nightmare ends we shall be no more. 

Oracle:Seek Me throughout all the realms of being with selfishness, and you shall never find Me! You acknowledge that from Me proceed the vital flames of the Cosmic Life Force. But why do you seek my Power? Do you love Me, your Mother? Do you desire to bring to birth, to care for others, as I do? Or rather do you seek My energy that you may increase your importance without regard for your fellows? A planet savaged by power-hungry humans is left a waste land, devoid of all living things, pock-marked with craters. And as with a planet, so with my children, both human and beast. For My Fire either creates or it destroys. It will never for long lie inactive. It is not the Fire Goddesses who destroy planets in their anger: it is Their children who lay waste through war and greed.

My occult Power may be still more misused both by the foolish and the wicked. But know that a severe penalty is paid by the ill-doer for each act that misuses My Force, whether in this world or the next. For though permission to use or misuse My Gift is granted, in order that free choice may bring wisdom through experience, part of that experience is gained through paying the penalty for wrongdoing.

If you truly seek My creative energy with good intention, find Me in the Heart of Love. Feel Me through parenthood, through caring for all existences. Then your noble ideals, your great projects, will come easily into manifestation with ever increasing effectiveness. Take heed to balance force with gentleness. For know that my Power comes through the harmony of two energies of the Sun and of the Moon: of Fire and of Water: of gold and silver. These are symbols: they who truly know Me feel Me within themselves.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Hymn to Isis

Hymn to Isis from Her temple at Philae (the first hymn):

Praise to you Isis-Hathor,
God's Mother, Lady of Heaven,

Lady of Abaton, Queen of the Gods.

You are the Divine Mother of Horus,
The Mighty Bull, avenger of His father,
Who causes the rebels to fall.

Praise to You Isis-Hathor,
God's Mother, Lady of Heaven,
Lady of Abaton, Queen of the Gods.

You are the Divine Mother of Horus,
Min-Horus, the Hero Who smites His enemy,
And makes a massacre thereby.

Praise to You Isis-Hathor,
God's Mother, Lady of Heaven,
Lady of Abaton, Queen of the Gods.

You are the Divine Mother of Horus,
Khonsu-the-powerful, the Royal Child of the Lord of Eternity,
Lord of Kush (Nubia), Ruler of the foreign lands.

Praise to You Isis-Hathor,
God's Mother, Lady of Heaven,
Lady of Abaton, Queen of the Gods.

You are the Divine Mother of Horus,
The Mighty Bull, Who establishes the Temples of the Ennead,
And fashions every Divine Image

Praise to You Isis-Hathor,
God's Mother, Lady of Heaven,
Lady of Abaton, Queen of the Gods.

You are the Divine Mother of Horus,
The Mighty Bull who protects Egypt,
Lord of the Nome, for ever.

Praise to You Isis-Hathor,
God's Mother, Lady of Heaven,
Lady of Abaton, Queen of the Gods.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Aretalogy of Isis

(I originally published this on my personal blog. I'm reproducing it here for those who might find the subject matter interesting.)

An aretalogy is a sort of listing of a deity's virtues, usually as spoken by that deity. Here is an example of an aretalogy of Isis, from the Ptolemaic era; it can be commonly found, albeit with slightly different wording, in various places on the internet and in print. The version I am giving here is attributed to Frederick C. Grant's translation:

I am Isis, the mistress of every land, and I was taught by Hermes (Thoth) and with Hermes I devised letters, both the sacred (hieroglyphs) and the demotic, that all things might not be written with the same (letters).

I gave and ordained laws for men, which no one is able to change.
I am eldest daughter of Kronos.
I am wife and sister of King Osiris.
I am she who findeth fruit for men.
I am mother of King Horus.
I am she that riseth in the Dog Star.
I am she that is called goddess by women.
For me was the city of Bubastis built.
I divided the earth from the heaven.
I showed the paths of the stars.
I ordered the course of the sun and the moon.
I devised business in the sea.
I made strong the right.
I brought together woman and man.
I appointed to women to bring their infants to birth in the tenth month.
I ordained that parents should be loved by children.
I laid punishment on those disposed without natural affection toward their parents.
I made with my brother Osiris an end to the eating of men.
I revealed mysteries unto men.
I taught (men) to honor images of the gods.
I consecrated the precincts of the gods.
I broke down the governments of tyrants.
I made an end to murders.
I compelled women to be loved by men.
I made the right to be stronger than gold and silver.
I ordained that the true should be thought good.
I devised marriage contracts.
I assigned to Greeks and barbarians their languages.
I made the beautiful and the shameful to be distinguished by nature.
I ordained that nothing should be more feared than an oath.
I have delivered the plotter of evil against other men into the hands of the one he plotted against.
I established penalties for those who practice injustice.
I decreed mercy to suppliants.
I protect (or: honor) righteous guards.
With me the right prevails.
I am the Queen of rivers and winds and sea.
No one is held in honor without my knowing it.
I am the Queen of war.
I am the Queen of the thunderbolt.
I stir up the sea and I calm it.
I am in the rays of the sun.
I inspect the courses of the sun.
Whatever I please, this too shall come to an end.
With me everything is reasonable.
I set free those in bonds.
I am the Queen of seamanship.
I make the navigable unnavigable when it pleases me.
I created walls of cities.
I am called the Lawgiver (Thesmophoros).
I brought up islands out of the depths into the light.
I am Lord of rainstorms.
I overcome Fate.
Fate hearkens to me.
Hail, O Egypt, that nourished me!

Here is the same aretalogy, in a slightly different translation (translator unknown). This version uses slightly more modernized language:

I am Isis, ruler of every land
I was taught by Hermes (Thoth) and with Hermes devised letters, both hieroglyphic and demotic, that all might not be written with the same.
I gave laws to mankind and ordained what no one can change
I am the eldest daughter of Kronos
I am the wife and sister of King Osiris
I am the one who discovered wheat for mankind
I am the mother of King Horus
I am the one who rises in the Dog-star
I am the one called Goddess by women
For me was built the city of Bubastis
I separated the earth from the Heaven
I showed the paths of the stars
I regulated the course of the sun and the moon
I devised the activities of seamanship
I made what is right strong
I brought together woman and man
I assigned to women to bring into light of day their infants in the tenth month
I ordained that parents should be loved by children
I imposed punishment upon those unkindly disposed towards their parents
I with my brother Osiris put an end to cannibalism
I taught men the initiation into mysteries
I instructed them to revere images of the gods
I established the sacred cult places of the gods
I abolished the rules of the tyrants
I put an end to murders
I compelled women to be loved by men
I made the right stronger than gold and silver
I ordained that the true should be considered good
I devised marriage contracts
I assigned to Greeks and barbarians their languages
I made the good and the bad to be distinguished by nature
I made that nothing should be more fearful than an oath
I have delivered him who unjustly plots against others into the hands of the one against whom he plotted
I impose retribution upon those who do injustice
I decreed that mercy be shown to suppliants
O honor those who justly defend themselves
With me the right has power
I am the mistress of rivers and winds and sea
No one is honored without my consent
I am the Mistress of War
I am the Mistress of the thunderbolt
I calm the sea and make it surge
I am in the rays of the sun
I attend the sun in its journey
What I decree, that is also accomplished
All yield to me
I set free those who are in bonds
I am the Mistress of seamanship
I make the navigable un-navigable, whenever I so decide
I founded enclosure walls of the cities
I am called the Lawgiver
I brought up islands out of the depths into the light
I am the Mistress of rain
I conquer Destiny
Destiny obeys me
Hail, O Egypt, that nourished me!

Still another version of an Isian aretalogy comes from the Metamorphoses of Lucius of Apuleius, also called The Golden Ass. In this one, Isis, moved by the pleadings of Lucius, speaks to the supplicant:

I am She that is the natural mother of all life, mistress of all the Elements, the first child of time, supreme deity, chief among powers divine, Queen of heaven! The principal of the celestial Gods, light of the Goddesses, the uniform manifestation of all gods and goddesses: I, who govern by my nod the crests of light in the sky, at my will the planets of the air, the wholesome wafts upon the Seas, and the lamentable silences below dispose; my name, my divinity is venerated throughout all the world in divers manners, in variable rites and in many names. Thus the Phrygians call me Pessinuntia, Mother of the Gods. The Athenians call me Cecropian Minerva. The Cyprians, in their isle home call me Paphian Venus. The archer Cretans call me Diana Dictynna. The three-tongue Sicilians call me Stygian Proserpina. The Eleusians call me the ancient goddess Ceres. Some call me Juno, by others, Bellona, still others Hecate, some call me Rhamnusia. But those who are enlightened by the earliest rays of that divine sun, principally the Ethiopians which dwell in the Orient, and the Egyptians which are excellent in all kind of ancient lore, and by their proper ceremonies accustomed to worship me, do call me Queen Isis.

We may see a parallel of sorts to these aretalogies in our modern Charge of the Goddess. I have utilized the Ptolemaic one above in ritual before, though I found it to be a bit lengthy; despite my theatrical verve in delivering it, the time elapsed did lead to some anxious shuffling of feet! I may do a little reworking of it to streamline it for better delivery in a modern context; I think it would be a nice addition to Iseum proceedings.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

An Aretalogy of Hathor

Aretalogies, divine biographies in which a deity's attributes are listed and extolled, are commonly found in the sacred texts of later-period Egypt and Mesopotamia. Aretalogies of Isis are well-known, and I'll reproduce some here at a later time. Today, I have a more unusual one:

(from the Colophon of the Bremner-Rhind papyrus)

"Isis the divine speaks to thee
with joyful voice from the river
which the pure abed-fish cleaves
in front of the barque of Ra

the Lady of Horns is come into being with joy
the egg is come into being in the canal

the heads of the froward are cut off
in this Her name of Lady of Aphroditopolis

the Lady of Horns is come in peace
in this Her name of Hat-Hor Lady of Malachite

the Lady of Thebes is come in peace
in this Her name of Hat-Hor Lady of Thebes

She is come in peace as Tayt
in that Her name of Lady of Hetepet

She is come in peace to overthrow Her foe
in that Her name of Hat-hor
Lady of the temple of Herakleopolis

"Gold" is come in peace
in that Her name of Hat-Hor Lady of Memphis

Thou being at peace in the presence of the Lord of All
in this Thy name of Hat-Hor Lady of the Red Mountain

‘Gold’ rises beside Her father
in this Her name of Bast

who has gone in front of the houses
beside the Sanctuary of Upper Egypt
in this Her name of Satis

who makes green the Two Lands
and guides the gods
in this Her name of Wadjyt

Hat-Hor has power over those
who rebelled against Her father
in that Her name of Sakhmet

Wadjet has power over good things
in that Her name of Lady of Momemphis

myrrh is on Her tresses
in that Her name of Neith

Hail to the gods, each in his place :

Hat-Hor Lady of Thebes
Hat-Hor Lady of Herakleopolis
Hat-Hor Lady of Aphroditopolis
Hat-Hor Lady of Sycomore-town
Hat-Hor Lady of Rohesa
Hat-Hor Lady of the Red Mountain
Hat-Hor Lady of Sinai
Hat-Hor Lady of Memphis
Hat-Hor Lady of Wawat
Hat-Hor Lady of Momemphis
Hat-Hor Lady of Imet."

The Bremner-Rhind papyrus is held at the British Museum. The "colophon" spoken of here is generally attributed to a priest called Nes-Min and dated to some time in the 3rd or 4th century BCE, during the Ptolemaic period. More information about the Bremner-Rhind papyrus can be found here.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

FOI Oracle of the Month - September 2012

ORACLE: The Goddess Selene
BOOKLET: "Ishtar of the Starry Heavens"
BY: Olivia Robertson

Shining Selene, Queen of magic. Goddess of lovers, mirror of Truth, enliven us in our graveyard of this world with visions of our future Heaven! We long to hear the Oracle of the Moon Goddess Selene!

To achieve purity of purpose you need to achieve a shaft of the Light of Truth from Deity. Within you dormant is the uncreated Flame, Source of all that is. It shines in the mind as the mirror of Truth, and in the heart, as Infinite Love. Nothing else matters. Some courageous spirits choose earthly incarnation. They follow the lengthy and weary toil of developing the physical body, from rock, to reptile, from reptile to bird, until the human condition is attained. Know that each creature is a sacred expression of unique creativity.

You wonder when you realise the alarming fate of fallen angels. Usually, their problem is that these are too angelic, and despise other creatures, who are also offspring of Divine Parents. So it is good for them to come down to Earth. To fall.

All the best secrets are open to all! Can you understand the Sphinx? Yet you may look upon it. In verity, the spiritual Moon is the Sphinx. It holds up the mirror to you, as it reflects the light of Sun and Stars so you can receive their beauty.

Gaze with naked eyes at the Sun and you will be blinded. See and enjoy the Deity in what you may safely look at: a lover, a child, a dog, and through love you will attain the truth beneath the passing drama you call reality. And when you fear the dark occulted moon, fear not. You look at the shadow of the Earth, your true Self.

Visualise the Moon now, and see yourself reflected in Her.

(c) Olivia Robertson, FOI co-founder
All Rights Reserved
Note: Sharing of the Oracle of the Month is encouraged, however, it is not for resale. Please keep this notice, as well as the above copyright and Yahoo link intact. Thank you!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wep Ronpet - Egyptian New Year

(In our Iseum, we schedule our celebrations according to the fixed Alexandrian calendar for the most part, the dates and descriptions for many of which can be found in Lawrence Durdin-Robertson's Juno Covella, the Perpetual Calendar of the Fellowship of Isis.)

Our observance of Wep Ronpet, or the Egyptian New Year, took place according to the date given in Juno Covella. I like to periodically rededicate the main altar, particularly on the anniversary of our founding, and Wep Ronpet seemed like another excellent time for this; so our rite was the Dedication of a Shrine to Isis.

Here you see a photo of the altar set up for the Dedication rite, and I apologize for the reflections obscuring bits of the print above it. (Although the rite does not call for knives, the co-founders of this Iseum are very knife-conscious, and like to  have them around! They are very useful for dispelling isfet and slaying Apep, both of which are appropriate actions at the beginning of a new year.) 

Certain of the items remain in place at all times, such as the icon, the vases, the small cat figures, and of course the print above; other things change as necessary for the type of rite taking place. For the simplest devotions, I may add nothing more than a candle and some incense; more elaborate ceremonies call for more elaborate trappings, and may include various tools, more statuary, extra candles, special altar cloths, and more.

This photo shows the altar set-up more closely, so that the ritual objects are visible. Many of them have been in our possession for years, and have stories behind them--but that's a topic for another, probably quite lengthy, post. The large yellow candle is filled with herbs and resins and carries the scent of Kyphi, so its fragrance blends nicely with that of the incense we burn. The brightly-colored flowers make a fine offering, as well as a reminder of the bright summer days that are coming to an end for us here in the not-so-distant future.

The Dedication rite is a deceptively simple one, but carries a lovely depth and warmth to it that makes it a pleasure to perform on a periodic basis. Because the version given in Dea is a bit different from the one given in Maya, I've elected to use the Dea version for the main Iseum shrine and the one in Maya for smaller personal shrines and temporary shrines. Either way, it never fails to bring a sense of peace and serenity to the temple space, and to the celebrants.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Isis Luminous Festival - The Lychnapsia

The Iseum celebrated the festival of Isis Luminous--also called Aset Webenut in antiquity and the Lychnapsia in later times--a bit late this year, owing to a health issue with one of the temple cats. (You can learn more about this festival by clicking here.) Our celebration was small and low-key, but still quite lovely. Here are a couple of pictures of the altar:

Isis Luminous altar.
The bowl at Her feet is a copy of a faience bowl in the Turin Museum, bearing a design of Hathor-faces and papyrus reeds. In it are tiny flower-shaped floating candles, each one carrying a prayer or wish; some people like to create origami boats for this festival, on which they write their petitions and in which they float small candles, but space being at a premium we went with the floating candles. (My flash was malfunctioning, so I wasn't able to photograph the altar in darkness with the candles burning.)

Here's a closer shot, in dimmer light:

You can see the Hathor faces in the bowl more clearly, as well as the eye of Horus on the cloth beneath it. The offerings were pure water, held in the cup to the viewer's left, and kyphi incense in the burner on the right. I will say that, for those who read the omens in the way a petition candle burns, that one of them drowned its own wick and the other had a long, clean burn, and that the results in each case were exactly what you'd have expected!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

FOI Oracle of the Month - August 2012

August 2012
Oracle: The Goddess Dana
Booklet: "Panthea, Initiations and Festivals of the Goddess"
By: Olivia Robertson

Beautiful Dana, bring to us a glimpse of wonder beyond the known! However satisfied we are with our existence on earth, sometimes a longing comes upon us for a light through a mysterious passage.

I am the Voice that calls you from afar, I am the blackbird that sings in the morning, and lures you back from wandering from the trodden path. I am the gleam of sunshine that speckles the hilly grove, and casts fitful shadows upon the wild flowers of the heath. It is the incense from My raiment that brings with it the scent of hyacinths and bluebells and wild lilies. When you seek me without my calling you, I am not to be found. Yet I may manifest unexpectedly, in the heedless moment, as you put a foot into a fast flowing stream, or climb to pick red apples. My sigh is in the breeze that so tenderly moves your light hair, and I am the wild swan that with its mate flies high over the treetops beyond the river.

Yet also am I the darkness that enshrouds familiar forms, and makes sinister the commonplace things of day. Through the half-opened door am I sensed, and in the creaking of a gate leading into the wilderness: and I am heard in the hooting of the owl. I dignify with My moon-beams the ugly town: but I am also the shadow of the earth that falls upon Her in Her obscurity.

For it is in My mystery that lies My enchantment. To live perpetually in the daylight, boxed in a room, a house, a tamed garden and town is to lose your birthright of ever increasing adventure into knowledge and love and glory! And that may only come to you when you recover the adventurous spirit of the questing child, the curiosity of the cat, the courage of the wild beast. I am no Inspirer of coward souls! My wisdom and joy is gained through a generous acceptance of new understanding. Come with Me and I will show you the abyss, and you will befriend the dwellers in the hollow hills who are also my dear children! I will dance with you in the Many-Coloured Land of Youth, and study with you in the Solar Halls of Learning.
But when you raise your eyes to the star, I shall lift you aloft with Me to celestial realms, and with wings outspread you shall be transformed into shining swans! Yet within you always shall be your past, and from that you shall gain sustenance for your future growth into conscious Immortality.

(c) Olivia Robertson, FOI co-founder
All Rights Reserved
Note: Sharing of the Oracle of the Month is encouraged, however, it is not for resale.
Please keep this notice, as well as the above copyright and Yahoo link intact. Thank you!