Monday, April 1, 2013

FOI Oracle of the Month - April

April 2013
Oracle: The Goddess Goda
Booklet: "Sphinx, Goddess Myths and Mysteries"
By: Olivia Robertson

Divine Goda, Consort of God. You form the Dragon of Space with Your net of glittering constellations. Through your dark embrace with the God of Light, You create myriads of living beings. We love life and dread death. Through Your Dragon of Fire awaken our souls to immortality!

So you would be immortal! To do so you need not only the dragon power of Spirit, but the mind to appreciate it! Too often when people plead for immortality, they can only visualize a sameness derived from petty dreaming. To be aware and enjoy infinity you need the mind of a genius, the passions of a lover and the ability to enjoy the company of others! Otherwise immortality is a prison for the ego, entrapped in delusions of self-importance, the only companions being reflections of self.

Your world may be seen as a series of myriad faery stories which you create during the night and enact in day-time. Occult knowledge is only the next scene you seek to uncover, by peering behind a woman's veil! And indeed that is what your scientists have done, during the process tearing a dangerous hole in the earth's ozone veil.

The Gods do not interfere unless they are asked. This is to protect your free will -- your right to choose good or evil -- and learn from the consequences. But some there are who love Us because they hope We exist! My Being is reproduced not through races or groups but through each original offspring. So -- every one of you -- if you believe in Me, we can talk! Tell Me the deepest longing of your heart and I will fulfill it. My emblem is the Dragonfly.

(c) Olivia Robertson, FOI co-founder
All Rights Reserved
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